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This AI will read Privacy Policy for you

Have you ever read Privacy Policy of any website or service? Probably answer is No. Privacy policy is a document that describes what information they get from you and how they use. From this definition you can identify the importance of reading privacy policy. But because of lengthy and boring writing, we are used to neglect them.

Here it's not your fault. This is human tendency to avoid those this thing which are boring or harder to do and not so important. But in this case it is important also although we avoid reading privacy policy. To sort out this problem researchers from the Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL), the University of Wisconsin and the University of Michigan designed an AI which reads privacy policy of any web page and generates short graphical summary for user which can be read easily in a very short time.

Research was purely based on a question by lead researcher Hamza Harkous from EPFL which she said in an interview on WIRED, "What if we visualize what's important for user in privacy policy?" Researchers found out solution 'Polisis' which is AI based website or browser extension that read privacy policy and generates a visual summary to get important notes of privacy and takes only around 30 seconds. So, can save time and also get to know with privacy policy.

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If you still don't get policy, their another feature AI-powered chatbot called PriBot helps you to solve your queries. You can discuss policy with this bot. In this website still there are some issues but they are trying to solve them.

Reference: Polisis


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