Customize your shoes as you wish

Sneakers are one of the most trending market. Everyday thousands of new shoes are designed by the market. But now you can design your sneakers. Sounds amazing, isn't it?

ShiftWear is a simple sneaker with flexible display on back half of the shoe which display what you want. As company having slogan,"A sneaker that gives the user complete creative control."
Open the app, select your favorite design, send to shoes and see the magic. A shoe as you wish, change the design every minute by spending just $350. You can also make playlist of your favorite designs and set timer. Its kevlar-coated and waterproof screen can display ads also. Just a tap and business is started! No plug-in required. It self-charges while walking. For more option you can charge it by put in wireless charging pad. It can be connected with your smartphone by wifi or bluetooth both.
The idea of the shoes came in 2014 and ShiftWear was founded in New York. In early 2017 concept of connectivity with smartphone was declared. After smartwatches industry of smartshoes if rising up. Soon you will see the future of the shoes.
source: Shiftwear